Boat FlashMob Amsterdam

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.  Let’s blow bubbles!.”

Mark Twain

Goal: To get as many soap bubbles in the air as possible at the Westerkerk in Amsterdam!

Where: From your boat or from the side of the canal at the Prinsengracht @Westerkerk

When: 4:30 sharp on May 25th, 2013

Why: Just for fun! But also because Joost and Karen are having their wedding and they want a million soap bubbles!


If you have a boat, join Joost and Karen and their wedding guests. Gather at 3:45 PM at Cafe Edel, Postjesweg 1 in Amsterdam. Click earth_turning-around for an animated route of the boat tour on the map of Amsterdam!


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Let’s go viral! Invite your friends by using the link below!

Don’t forget to bring your bubble blowing gear!!!


”A soap bubble,” Mark Twain mused in a passage of ”The Innocents Abroad,” ”is the most beautiful thing, and the most exquisite, in nature … I wonder how much it would take to buy a soap bubble if there was only one in the world?”


Bubble picture